Source code for sqlalchemy_searchable

import os
from functools import reduce

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.schema import DDL, DDLElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Executable
from sqlalchemy_utils import TSVectorType

from .vectorizers import Vectorizer

__version__ = "2.0.0"

vectorizer = Vectorizer()
An instance of :class:`Vectorizer` that keeps a track of the registered vectorizers. Use
this as a decorator to register a function as a vectorizer.

class SearchQueryMixin:
    def search(self, search_query, vector=None, regconfig=None, sort=False):
        Search given query with full text search.

        :param search_query: the search query
        :param vector: search vector to use
        :param regconfig: postgresql regconfig to be used
        :param sort: order results by relevance (quality of hit)
        return search(self, search_query, vector=vector, regconfig=regconfig, sort=sort)

def inspect_search_vectors(entity):
    return [
        getattr(entity, key).property.columns[0]
        for key, column in sa.inspect(entity).columns.items()
        if isinstance(column.type, TSVectorType)

class SQLConstruct:
    def __init__(self, tsvector_column, indexed_columns=None, options=None):
        self.table = tsvector_column.table
        self.tsvector_column = tsvector_column
        self.options = self.init_options(options)
        if indexed_columns:
            self.indexed_columns = list(indexed_columns)
        elif hasattr(self.tsvector_column.type, "columns"):
            self.indexed_columns = list(self.tsvector_column.type.columns)
            self.indexed_columns = None

    def init_options(self, options=None):
        if not options:
            options = {}
        for key, value in SearchManager.default_options.items():
                option = self.tsvector_column.type.options[key]
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                option = value
            options.setdefault(key, option)
        return options

    def table_name(self):
        if self.table.schema:
            return f'{self.table.schema}."{}"'
            return '"' + + '"'

    def search_function_name(self):
        return self.options["search_trigger_function_name"].format(

    def search_trigger_name(self):
        return self.options["search_trigger_name"].format(

    def column_vector(self, column):
        value = sa.text(f"NEW.{sa.column(}")
            vectorizer_func = vectorizer[column]
        except KeyError:
            value = vectorizer_func(value)
        value = sa.func.coalesce(value, sa.text("''"))
        value = sa.func.to_tsvector(sa.literal(self.options["regconfig"]), value)
        if in self.options["weights"]:
            weight = self.options["weights"][]
            value = sa.func.setweight(value, weight)
        return value

    def search_vector(self, compiler):
        vectors = (
            self.column_vector(getattr(self.table.c, column_name))
            for column_name in self.indexed_columns
        concatenated = reduce(lambda x, y: x.op("||")(y), vectors)
        return compiler.sql_compiler.process(concatenated, literal_binds=True)

class CreateSearchFunctionSQL(SQLConstruct, DDLElement, Executable):

def compile_create_search_function_sql(element, compiler):
    return f"""CREATE FUNCTION
            {element.search_function_name}() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
            NEW.{} = {element.search_vector(compiler)};
            RETURN NEW;
        $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

class CreateSearchTriggerSQL(SQLConstruct, DDLElement, Executable):
    def search_trigger_function_with_trigger_args(self):
        if self.options["weights"] or any(
            getattr(self.table.c, column) in vectorizer
            for column in self.indexed_columns
            return self.search_function_name + "()"
        return "tsvector_update_trigger({arguments})".format(
            arguments=", ".join(
                [, "'%s'" % self.options["regconfig"]]
                + self.indexed_columns

def compile_create_search_trigger_sql(element, compiler):
    return (
        f"CREATE TRIGGER {element.search_trigger_name}"
        f" BEFORE UPDATE OR INSERT ON {element.table_name}"
        f" {element.search_trigger_function_with_trigger_args}"

class DropSearchFunctionSQL(SQLConstruct, DDLElement, Executable):

def compile_drop_search_function_sql(element, compiler):
    return "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %s()" % element.search_function_name

class DropSearchTriggerSQL(SQLConstruct, DDLElement, Executable):

def compile_drop_search_trigger_sql(element, compiler):
    return (
        f"DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {element.search_trigger_name} ON {element.table_name}"

class SearchManager:
    default_options = {
        "search_trigger_name": "{table}_{column}_trigger",
        "search_trigger_function_name": "{table}_{column}_update",
        "regconfig": "pg_catalog.english",
        "weights": (),
        "auto_index": True,

    def __init__(self, options={}):
        self.options = self.default_options
        self.processed_columns = []
        self.classes = set()
        self.listeners = []

    def option(self, column, name):
            return column.type.options[name]
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            return self.options[name]

    def inspect_columns(self, table):
        Inspects all searchable columns for given class.

        :param table: SQLAlchemy Table
        return [column for column in table.c if isinstance(column.type, TSVectorType)]

    def append_index(self, cls, column):

    def process_mapper(self, mapper, cls):
        columns = self.inspect_columns(mapper.persist_selectable)
        for column in columns:
            if column in self.processed_columns:

            if self.option(column, "auto_index"):
                self.append_index(cls, column)


    def add_listener(self, args):

    def remove_listeners(self):
        for listener in self.listeners:
        self.listeners = []

    def attach_ddl_listeners(self):
        # Remove all previously added listeners, so that same listener don't
        # get added twice in situations where class configuration happens in
        # multiple phases (issue #31).

        for column in self.processed_columns:
            # This sets up the trigger that keeps the tsvector column up to
            # date.
            if column.type.columns:
                table = column.table
                if self.option(column, "weights") or vectorizer.contains_tsvector(
                        (table, "after_create", CreateSearchFunctionSQL(column))
                        (table, "after_drop", DropSearchFunctionSQL(column))
                    (table, "after_create", CreateSearchTriggerSQL(column))

search_manager = SearchManager()

[docs]def sync_trigger( conn, table_name, tsvector_column, indexed_columns, metadata=None, options=None ): """Synchronize the search trigger and trigger function for the given table and search vector column. Internally, this function executes the following SQL queries: - Drop the search trigger for the given table and column if it exists. - Drop the search function for the given table and column if it exists. - Create the search function for the given table and column. - Create the search trigger for the given table and column. - Update all rows for the given search vector by executing a column=column update query for the given table. Example:: from sqlalchemy_searchable import sync_trigger sync_trigger( conn, 'article', 'search_vector', ['name', 'content'] ) This function is especially useful when working with Alembic migrations. In the following example, we add a ``content`` column to the ``article`` table and then synchronize the trigger to contain this new column:: from alembic import op from sqlalchemy_searchable import sync_trigger def upgrade(): conn = op.get_bind() op.add_column('article', sa.Column('content', sa.Text)) sync_trigger(conn, 'article', 'search_vector', ['name', 'content']) # ... same for downgrade If you are using vectorizers, you need to initialize them in your migration file and pass them to this function:: import sqlalchemy as sa from alembic import op from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import HSTORE from sqlalchemy_searchable import sync_trigger, vectorizer def upgrade(): vectorizer.clear() conn = op.get_bind() op.add_column('article', sa.Column('name_translations', HSTORE)) metadata = sa.MetaData(bind=conn) articles = sa.Table('article', metadata, autoload=True) @vectorizer(articles.c.name_translations) def hstore_vectorizer(column): return sa.cast(sa.func.avals(column), sa.Text) op.add_column('article', sa.Column('content', sa.Text)) sync_trigger( conn, 'article', 'search_vector', ['name_translations', 'content'], metadata=metadata ) # ... same for downgrade :param conn: SQLAlchemy Connection object :param table_name: name of the table to apply search trigger syncing :param tsvector_column: TSVector typed column which is used as the search index column :param indexed_columns: Full text indexed column names as a list :param metadata: Optional SQLAlchemy metadata object that is being used for autoloaded Table. If None is given, then a new MetaData object is initialized within this function. :param options: Dictionary of configuration options """ if metadata is None: metadata = sa.MetaData() table = sa.Table(table_name, metadata, autoload_with=conn) params = dict( tsvector_column=getattr(table.c, tsvector_column), indexed_columns=indexed_columns, options=options, ) classes = [ DropSearchTriggerSQL, DropSearchFunctionSQL, CreateSearchFunctionSQL, CreateSearchTriggerSQL, ] for class_ in classes: conn.execute(class_(**params)) update_sql = table.update().values( {indexed_columns[0]: sa.text(indexed_columns[0])} ) conn.execute(update_sql)
[docs]def drop_trigger(conn, table_name, tsvector_column, metadata=None, options=None): """ Drop the search trigger and trigger function for the given table and search vector column. Internally, this function executes the following SQL queries: - Drop the search trigger for the given table if it exists. - Drop the search function for the given table if it exists. Example:: from alembic import op from sqlalchemy_searchable import drop_trigger def downgrade(): conn = op.get_bind() drop_trigger(conn, 'article', 'search_vector') op.drop_index('ix_article_search_vector', table_name='article') op.drop_column('article', 'search_vector') :param conn: SQLAlchemy Connection object :param table_name: name of the table to apply search trigger dropping :param tsvector_column: TSVector typed column which is used as the search index column :param metadata: Optional SQLAlchemy metadata object that is being used for autoloaded Table. If None is given, then a new MetaData object is initialized within this function. :param options: Dictionary of configuration options """ if metadata is None: metadata = sa.MetaData() table = sa.Table(table_name, metadata, autoload_with=conn) params = dict(tsvector_column=getattr(table.c, tsvector_column), options=options) classes = [ DropSearchTriggerSQL, DropSearchFunctionSQL, ] for class_ in classes: conn.execute(class_(**params))
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(path, "expressions.sql")) as file: sql_expressions = DDL(
[docs]def make_searchable(metadata, mapper=sa.orm.Mapper, manager=search_manager, options={}): """ Configure SQLAlchemy-Searchable for given SQLAlchemy metadata object. :param metadata: SQLAlchemy metadata object :param options: Dictionary of configuration options """ manager.options.update(options) event.listen(mapper, "instrument_class", manager.process_mapper) event.listen(mapper, "after_configured", manager.attach_ddl_listeners) event.listen(metadata, "before_create", sql_expressions)
def remove_listeners(metadata, manager=search_manager, mapper=sa.orm.Mapper): event.remove(mapper, "instrument_class", manager.process_mapper) event.remove(mapper, "after_configured", manager.attach_ddl_listeners) manager.remove_listeners() event.remove(metadata, "before_create", sql_expressions)